Wednesday, March 30

Ma Bell, why have you forsaken your children?

Can it be that Ma Bell has become violent force in her senility? SBC buys AT&T?

Answer me this: Why should the price of a local phone connection keep going up? The costs of the connection should be plummeting. The costs of billing should be plummetting, yet my local phone bill went up monthly. How could that be?

Because SBC has a monopoly. They push their anticompetitive bills through congress every month.

And who is the only company who NEVER fixed a problem I was having with my phone line? I had to climb up on a pole and splice the wires myself after one month of no phone service. SBC (Ameritech at the time).

What to do? Ditch your landline! Believe it or not, I ran straight into the arms of my cable company? Can you believe anyone embracing their cable company? SBC, I dance on your grave. When my Comcast promotion runs out, I going to Vonage.